Monday, October 31, 2016

What Makes For Effective Advertising Copy?

So you've just decided to try to break into writing advertising copy. Now what? The first thought new writers typically have is, "Where is my first bombshell ad going to come from?" Not to burst anyone's bubble here, but this is an awful approach to have. To write quality copy takes quality research and like your favorite whiskey, it takes time to reach its full potential.

To know how to advertise, you have to first know who you're advertising for. Generating interest and in turn, a desirable response, becomes exponentially easier once the target market is clear. Take Jim Beam for instance. The best-selling bourbon in the world, Beam has been around for over 200 years, and with that time has developed a solid reputation. They know that many people who drink bourbon not only like the flavor, but also are enamored by the history and roots of their brand of choice. Their tagline, "Make History," serves not only as a play on that nostalgia, but an inspiring call to action. As the campaign is now going on its third year, Beam and their marketers certainly seem well on their way to continuing to make history.

Next is understanding that 99 times out of 100, the first idea is not going to be the most effective one. This is why creative teams often tell copywriters to write dozens of taglines for the same product. It works similar to muscle memory; doing something over and over again makes it become an instinct, and practice may not make "perfect," but it can at least make "pretty damn good." Once a desired end message is decided, the narrative becomes much easier to create.

At the end of the day, advertising is meant to do two things: to tell a story, and to get a product moving. While not everyone has a gift for it, copywriting often only takes a spark to start a creative blaze. Think you've got what it takes? Follow me on Twitter (@SrMashSweetAds) and let's see what you've got!

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